Wednesday, December 16, 2015

So first of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of pictures posted here over the last few days. I have had personal issues that made me unavailable for picture taking. 

Tomorrow, I will attempt to get lots of new pictures, and hopefully, if the weather cooperates, a video of them all playing together outside for the first time.

All of the puppies have new mommies, except Aurora who is staying with us. Over the weekend, most will go to their new homes. We get to keep a couple for a little longer though, so we will be posting as many pics as we can before they all go.

Aurora will then be taking over the puppy cuteness overload on this blog, along with any pics that get sent in by new mommies. 

If you want to know how completely adorable all these babies will be all grown up, here is a picture of Winnie, the older sister to this litter. They always look like puppies, even when they are grown! Just another reason I love this particular mix of breeds. 

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